Full 2024 Event Schedule
Thursday September 12th

5p - 9p
Jay Fox and the Jammin’ Germans Fort Wayne Tanzer
Registrations deadline is September 5th. Please send names of attendees and payment to:
Delphos Canal Days, 310 N. Main St. Delphos, OH 45833
Contact Info: Delphos Chamber 419-695-1771
canaldaysdelphos@gmail.com or 310dacc@gmail.com
Friday September 13th
11a - Midnight
6p - 10p
$20 a wristband
3p - Midnight
3p - 11p
6p - 7:30p

8p - Midnight
saturday September 14th
7a - 10:30a
8a - 10a
Behind the Post Office
8a - 1p
Second Street between Main and Canal Street
9a - 10a
Corner of 3rd and Main Street
11a - Midnight
11a - Midnight
11a - 5p
$20 a wristband
11a - 1p
Front of the Postal Museum
11a - 8p
Noon - 2p
Registration starts at 11:30a
3p - 6:30p
4p - 8p
2nd and Main Street
4p - 8p
5th and Main Street
6p - 11p
Requires *NEW* Wristbands – $20 a wrist band

5p - 7p

8p - Midnight
Sunday September 16th
Registration starts 8a
Run/Walk for Kids 8:45a
11a - 6p
11a - 6p
11a - Till Sold Out
1p - 5p
$20 a wristband
3p - 5p

3p - 6p

This year, we have contracted with a new ride company for the event. Rides and amusements will be provided by Jessop Amusements.
Friday | Open at 5p | Wristbands 6p-10p – $20
Saturday | Open at 12p | Wristbands 1p-5p – $20
Saturday | Closed 5p-6p
Saturday | Requires *NEW* Wristbands 6p-10p – $20
Sunday | Open at 1p | Wristbands 1p-5p – $20